
Transparency Act

Sundvolden Hotel actively works towards environmental sustainability, human rights, and decent working conditions. "Good corporate governance contributes to building an environment of trust, transparency, and accountability that is necessary for promoting long-term investments, financial stability, and business integrity, thus supporting stronger growth and more inclusive communities."

The law aims to promote businesses' respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in relation to the production of goods and delivery of services. It also ensures public access to information on how businesses handle negative consequences regarding fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.

By fundamental human rights, we refer to the internationally recognized human rights derived from, among others, the UN Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights of 1966, and the ILO's core conventions on fundamental rights and principles at work.

Decent working conditions entail work that upholds fundamental human rights, as well as health, environment, and workplace safety, and provides a living wage. The supply chain includes anyone in the chain of suppliers and subcontractors who deliver or produce goods, services, or other inputs that are part of a company's service delivery or production process from raw materials to finished products.

A business partner refers to anyone who directly supplies goods or services to the company but is not part of the supply chain. Companies are required to conduct due diligence assessments in accordance with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

These due diligence assessments should be conducted regularly and be proportional to the size of the company, the nature of its business, the context in which the business operates, and the severity and probability of negative consequences for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. Companies are also obligated to disclose a statement regarding their due diligence assessments.

Transparency Law
Curious about how we handle and work to mitigate negative consequences related to fundamental human rights and decent working conditions? Feel free to ask us!

The Transparency Law came into effect on July 1, 2022, and aims to ensure transparency regarding how large companies manage negative consequences related to fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with service delivery. Sundvolden Hotel is covered by the Transparency Law and has made it possible for anyone seeking more information to contact us with their questions.

The Transparency Law obliges Sundvolden Hotel to:

Conduct due diligence assessments in accordance with the OECD Guidelines.
Provide an account of our work on due diligence assessments related to human rights and decent working conditions.
Respond to information requests from the public.
Do you have any questions for us?
Contact Silje Storvik and send your question via email to We will respond within 3 weeks.


Report on the Transparency Act

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